Artificial Insemination (IUI) with donor sperm

This can be used with lesbian couples, single women or heterosexual couples with a severe male infertility factor. It works in the same way as an IUI with the husband’s sperm, but using donor sperm instead, which is selected to be similar to the couple, with a compatible blood type and that has been analysed genetically.

How does the treatment work?

Study and analysis of your medical profile. Gynaecological exploration with an ultrasound. Hormonal analysis, if required.

We search for a donor sperm who is 35 years old maximum, similar to your partner (or to you, if you do the treatment alone), and a compatible blood type. The donor will be studied psychologically, medically and also genetically. We test the donor and you for the 3.200 most important recessive genetic diseases, to ensure you are compatible. The donor is 100% anonymous and has no rights or duties to the offspring obtained with his sperm.

You will inject yourself with hormones for 15 days to help to grow a follicle that will contain an egg. We can also do it during a cycle without stimulation (or natural cycle).

IUI day: once the follicule has grown and you are close to ovulating, we will inject the washed and selected sperm sample.

What makes FIV Obradors different?

  • Automatic identification system of the biological samples (sperm, eggs and embryos)(IVFWitness). This system uses radio frequency micro-chips that avoid samples from different patients being mixedup and, therefore, it eliminates the risk of fatal human errors. It is included in all treatments. This technology is not mandatory in Spain and can only be found in three other IVF clinics in the country.
  • We adapt to your ideal moment for insemination.
  • Comprehensive donor selection. We have a comprehensive donor selection protocol that chooses healthy donors who are free of the 3.200 most important recessive genetic diseases. As a patient, you will also have to do the genetic study to verify that you are genetically compatible with the donor.