Preservation of fertility

We know that, over time, there are fewer eggs of less quality. This is the main reason for difficulties in getting pregnant, which is why young women who do not want to have children at that precise moment in time can freeze their eggs for storage in our continuously-monitored liquid nitrogen tanks. In this way, the eggs do not age and can be used in the future is the patient cannot get pregnant naturally.

How does the treatment work?

Study and analysis of your medical profile. Gynaecological exploration with an ultrasound. Hormonal analysis, if required.

You will inject yourself with hormones for 15 days to help grow the follicles. Each follicle will contain 1 eggs.

Once most of your follicles have grown correctly, we will perfom the retrieval to aspirate them before they naturally ovulate and end up in the Fallopian tube.The retrieval is done in our operating room under sedation. You can leave the clinic on your own 2 hours later. Meanwhile, your eggs will be washed in our laboratory and prepared for freezing.

Eggs are frozen using the vitrification method, which comprises extracting the most water possible from their interior and then directly submerge them in liquid nitrogen at -196ºC. The thermal shock is so great that the little water still inside does not have time to freeze and form ice crystals that would burst the egg but becomes glass-like, which does not harm the egg and gives rise to the name of the method.

Frozen eggs are preserved in the liquid nitrogen tanks that we have in our laboratory.

What makes FIV Obradors different?

  • Automatic identification system of the biological samples (sperm, eggs and embryos)(IVFWitness). This system uses radio frequency micro-chips that avoid samples from different patients being mixedup and, therefore, it eliminates the risk of fatal human errors. It is included in all treatments. This technology is not mandatory in Spain and can only be found in three other IVF clinics in the country.


  • Continued monitoring of your eggs.Your eggs will be inside liquid nitrogen tanks with an incorporated thermometer that informs us 24 hours a day whether there is any change in the temperature. In this way we ensure that your eggs are stable and well-stored until you need them.


  • Extensive experience in vitrification. Dr. Albert Obradors has led a group of embryologists that has vitrified and thawed around 75,000 eggs over four years. This significant number of procedures has enabled him to understand, standardise and improve the technique, so much so that he has run courses for other embryologists in France, Belgium, Brazil, Morocco, Algeria, and even Russia.