Dr. Albert Obradors has taken part in SEF Madrid

5/19/2019 /// News

FIV Obradors, as well as its daily task of helping couples achieve their dream of being parents, also takes part in events of great importance such as the 32nd National Conference of the Spanish Fertility Society held on 16th, 17th and 18th May in Madrid.

On this occasion, Albert Obradors, Doctor of Biology, Director of the FIV Obradors laboratory and specialist in genetics applied to the study of embryos, took part in a roundtable on embryology and, more specifically, on invasive and non-invasive selection, with Directors from great assisted reproduction centres, such as IVI, Dexeus and Tambre, among others, which took place in the afternoon of Thursday 17th May.

Dr. Albert Obradors is satisfied with his participation at SEF Madrid 2018, as it is always positive to compare knowledge and assess the status of research into this matter. Below is a link to the conference video in which you may listen to a few minutes of the aforementioned debate.
From minute 6:50: https://youtu.be/uLUXPXuNKrU?t=24758

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