As you know, the Medical Director of the FIV Obradors clinic is the renowned gynaecologist, Josep Obradors, who has worked in Figueres where he has been a trusted doctor for many couples thanks to the services provided from his surgery in Vilafant Street. We are delighted to announce that Dr Obradors has decided to focus 100% on his work at FIV Obradors from March 2018.
This is a very significant decision because his consulting work at the Vilafant Street surgery is highly valued by many people, but Dr Obradors has decided now is the time to focus on the development of the FIV Obradors clinic, which began its work in the summer of 2017 and has had excellent results during these first few months.
Dr Josep Obradors thanks his patients for their trust during these 30 years of service and begins this new stage with his son, Albert Obradors, at the front of FIV Obradors with a lot of enthusiasm and the aim of strengthening the clinic and making it a leading example.