The ICSI technique (intracytoplasmic Injection)

4/10/2019 /// General

At FIV Obradors we work with utmost professionalism and diligence; one of the most used techniques in our treatments is ICSI and today we will briefly explain it as we like to be transparent and inform you about all the procedures.

The ICSI technique comprises an intracytoplasmic sperm injection, in other words, it uses very fine needles and 200x magnification to catch a sperm, immobilise it and immediately inject it into the egg.
This procedure is extremely delicate and requires all our attention to obtain the best results. Furthermore, at FIV Obradors we make this process an unforgettable moment; a way to make you part of the process from the very beginning, which you will not find anywhere else. Patients can experience the union of the egg and sperm live thanks to the camera attached to our microscope, in other words, you will witness the origin of the future embryos and, if everything goes well, they will be the first images you will have of your future baby. Incredible, don’t you think?

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