FIV Obradors
its doors!

5/26/2020 /// Actualité

After the complicated weeks we have had, we are pleased to announce we have resumed work at our assisted reproduction clinic. Having said that, we are totally aware we must continue fighting against COVID-19 by taking defensive measures to prevent it from spreading.

At FIV Obradors, we have decided to work with maximum safety and hygiene measures for the good of our team and patients. For this reason, we inform you of those measures we are applying at our assisted reproduction clinic:

  • We have the usual disinfection and protection equipment: hydroalcoholic gels and face masks.
  • We carry out specific COVID-19 tests every week on all our team members.
  • We carry out a quick serological test on all our patients under treatment. This test has an 85% accuracy rate to determine whether patients have been in contact with the virus and are now immune.
  • Before any intervention, we carry out the PCR test to make sure the patient does not currently have the COVID-19 infection.

As we know the situation is extremely complicated, FIV Obradors covers the cost of the serological and PCR tests because our priority is for patients to come to the clinic knowing we look after their health.

Disinfection has always been a very important matter for our clinic, but we have improved it with the use of ultraviolet light and ozone treatment every night. Finally, we want to let you know that the anaesthesia equipment we lent to the Department of Health, to help deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, has been completely sterilised and returned to our centre.

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